
I’m leaving for Korea tomorrow!

Nothing has been booked or planned, homework hasn’t been done, but still I’m so excited! Seoul and Jeju Island are on the list tentatively, but we have 10 days over there so we’ll see where they lead us.

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  1. Don’t you ever go to school??

  2. It’s raining here.

    • oh wait so you’re not GOING TO KOREA TODAY?! woohoo!

      ok sorry, if it makes you feel better, it’s raining here too.

  3. jude and steve

    yes it is raining heretoday.. naturally. we live in the rainforest! Have a fab time. never did teach you how to play mahjong before you left, Hmmmmmm Has anyone suggested they will teach you how to play the chinese version? (like some of those elderly venerable chinese gentlemen??) have fun , Love , Jude and Steve.

  4. my interactions with korean ladies who work at starbucks have taught me that though they may look 24 they’re actually 35 and that also they really enjoy my sense of humour. i don’t know how helpful that information will be for you though but there it is. use it how you will

    • Hey, I have heard that about Korean ladies (that they look younger than they actually are, not that they enjoy your sense of humour) and you know it seems to be true of some Chinese women as well. If I met Daniel’s mom on the street I would honest to goodness peg her at 25, but she’s actually 40 – it is so crazy! She looks like his sister!

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