It’s snowing!



  1. :O !!! it snowed here too!

  2. Hey you–merry belated Christmas and happy New Year! Keep those posts coming. We love ‘em over here.

  3. Hello Niece of mine,

    Have had a great evening catching up on the last four months of your life. I am really looking forward to hearing how your mother and Autie make out in the Kareoke (spelling??) Bars. My bet after a hard day at the fabric market you ladies will be ready to take on all comers. Your mother sound pretty excited about joining you. You are going to have a hard time slowing down to the pace in good old Victoria.

    Thanks for all the updates

    Uncle Ben

    • Hi Uncle Ben!

      Glad that you got a chance to read the blog :D I`ve had a great week with Steph, my mom and aunt. In the end they did get dragged to the karaoke bar, fabric market and to many other places. I`m heading up on the night train to Beijing tonight to meet up with Cody and my friend Jen who are arriving there this afternoon. The girls fly out of Shanghai tomorrow evening, so it`s a busy time for visitors over here! Hope everything is good at home, I`m sure you`re all eagerly anticipating the baby (as we are too). Looking forward to seeing you all back home.


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